Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Persuasive Essay

Persuasive Essay
            In Mr. Provenzano’s Freshman English class, the students undertook the challenge of making a Romeo and Juliet movie to further their understanding of the story.  There are many reasons why this is a better method of learning than merely reading, taking notes and taking tests. For one, this endeavor was entirely organized by the students, and it forced them to work and cooperate as a group. Secondly, everyone had a job and was involved. It was a very “hands on” effort.  Additionally, it had the students using computer tech tools that they will need to know how to use throughout their life. A final reason that this is a better way of learning is that it was a more memorable experience for students.  Although taking notes and tests is useful in learning material, making the Romeo and Juliet movie project provided a much deeper learning experience for all involved.
            Collaboration is a very important skill for people to have in life. The Romeo and Juliet project gave the students experience with working in groups to complete various tasks. Students in Michigan were working with students in Iowa to make a combined production, so everyone had to share and listen to ideas with students from another state. This is good for preparing students for working in groups in future jobs, when working with fellow businessmen and other professionals and staff is often necessary. It also gives students problem solving abilities that are needed in life.  Students learned how to overcome obstacles in achieving their goal, such as film getting lost and bad weather on filming days, and find a way to complete their task. This is a good example of the benefits of this project, but getting more involved in the unit is another strong example.
            The Romeo and Juliet project is a very unique and fun project. The students got more involved in this assignment than they would in a normal English class of just reading and writing about the subject. Students were able to choose their own jobs in contributing to the movie, so they did not have to do something they did not have an interest in doing. The Romeo and Juliet project also forced more in depth reading of the play than if the students merely had to read and take a test. Students had to look at the play from different perspectives and take the themes and translate them to modern society. They also had discussion questions every week, and wrote about different themes and elements of the story, as well as form their own opinions. This is a strong reason why this project was a good way of learning the material, but use of tech tools is also a very strong reason.
            In the making of the Romeo and Juliet project, students used many tech tools on the web, such as blogger, glogger, twitter and skype. This is a vital skill to have, as many businesses will be using these tools and will need employees proficient with their use. Prior experience with these items will give the students an advantage in getting a job that they may not have gotten if they were not skilled with a computer and the Internet. These tools also spark creativity in the students. For example, on glogger a student responsible for advertising can
make a page with videos and pictures and animations, which is substantially more unique and creative than just creating an advertisement in a Microsoft Word document. Skype is also a much more useful tool for communicating ideas than speaking on the phone. With skype, one can see the other person with whom they are talking on their computer screen, and they can share ideas and talk just as if they were sitting next to each other in the classroom. This is a reason why this project was a good learning experience, but a main reason that a project like this is more useful for learning is that the students will remember this more than if they were merely reading and writing.
            If many adults looked back at their high school years, there is a very slim chance that they would remember all the tests they took and books they read. They would most likely remember moments in class with their friends and fun, creative projects on which they worked. The Romeo and Juliet project is a more memorable type of learning in English class. Students were forced to be creative and could follow whatever path they chose with this project, whether it involved writing the script for the movie, producing advertisements, or acting in the movie. This provided students with the opportunity to see a variety of career paths, such as advertising, they may not have otherwise seen. There were no specific guidelines, so students could make the project be whatever they wanted. This allows the students to think more independently and enjoy learning the material when there is not a defined path they must follow. This was a project involving the whole class, so students had the chance to work and spread ideas with different friends throughout the class.
            Overall, the Romeo and Juliet project was a great learning experience for everyone involved. Students were challenged, but also got to enjoy being creative. They learned how to use many tools that will be needed in future careers. They also had to troubleshoot and overcome difficulties by themselves. They will enjoy the memories and lessons learned from working on this project with their friends for years to come. Although reading and writing and taking tests is a strong method of learning, the Romeo and Juliet project provided a different and more fulfilling way of learning.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Final Post 4-13-11

We are just wrapping up the Romeo and Juliet project right now. It has been a new and interesting few weeks of English class. It is just before Spring Break, and filming is just about completed. I am glad I had this experience in class, and I enjoyed my job. I learned about a great new tool called fakemovieposters, where you can, oddly enough, make a fake movie poster for anything you want. You can upload an image, put in a a quote, the name of the actors, and choose a format, and create realistic posters. I am looking forward to seeing the finished project on the 30th. I have no clue what it will look like, since I'm not a actor and didn't go to the filmings. Hope it turns out good. We put a lot of work into this.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Fake Movie Posters
Fake Movie Posters

I made this ad on fake movie posters. I found the picture for the ad on wikipedia. I posted this poster straight from the website to blogger. I used a different poster format for this ad than for my other movie poster ad. I put GP South and Van Meter this time for the names of the actors.